Christian Education

Biblical Worldview


Welcome to Academy of Excellence

Welcome to the Academy of Excellence (AoE), where we strive for excellence in education and embrace a biblical worldview. Established in 2012 in Milwaukee, AoE has been providing a private Christian education to students from kindergarten to 12th grade, free of charge for qualifying families, for over a decade.

Recognizing the demand for flexible learning options beyond Milwaukee, we launched AoE Online in 2020. This innovative initiative allows students to access a high-quality Christian education from the comfort of their homes. Powered by trusted curricula like BJU Press and Abeka, AoE Online ensures that students receive a comprehensive and rigorous education regardless of their physical location.

Whether students choose in-person or remote learning, our focus on a biblical worldview remains unwavering. We understand the significance of Christian faith in students’ lives and aim to foster a deep understanding of biblical principles and values. Through engaging Bible studies and discussions, students develop a solid foundation of knowledge and gain insights that enable them to make ethical and moral decisions throughout their lives.

At AoE, we are committed to cultivating critical thinking skills in our students. Through interactive activities and projects, we challenge them to analyze information, ask thoughtful questions, and arrive at well-founded conclusions. Our goal is to empower them to tackle the complexities of the modern world as independent thinkers and effective problem solvers.

Embracing technology, we provide an engaging and up-to-date learning experience at AoE. Our commitment to advanced technological resources ensures that students have access to interactive digital platforms, online learning materials, and collaborative tools. By developing essential technological skills, we prepare our students for success in today’s interconnected world.

At AoE Online, we are dedicated to providing an exceptional education that nurtures critical thinking and a biblical worldview. Our curriculum, which includes renowned programs such as BJU Press and Abeka, offers rigorous and relevant studies that equip students for success.

Our highly qualified and certified teachers, who possess expertise in their respective fields, lead our classes. They are dedicated to providing engaging and interactive learning experiences that foster deep understanding and intellectual growth.

In addition to our exceptional teaching staff, we offer comprehensive support systems to enhance student learning. Our admissions counselors guide students through the enrollment process, ensuring a smooth transition into our program. We also provide organized tutoring services to address individual learning needs and facilitate academic progress.

Technical support is readily available to assist students with any technological challenges they may encounter, ensuring a seamless online learning experience. Our team is committed to providing a supportive and enriching environment that empowers students to reach their full potential.

At AoE Online, we strive for excellence in education by combining exceptional curricula, experienced teachers, comprehensive support, and a focus on critical thinking and biblical values. We are dedicated to equipping our students with the skills, knowledge, and character necessary to succeed in an ever-evolving world. Join us at AoE Online, where we prepare students to face life’s challenges with confidence and integrity.

Elementary & Middle School

Our curriculum is carefully designed to provide a comprehensive and well-rounded education for our students. We offer a wide range of subjects to ensure their academic growth and personal development:

In the elementary grades, our students engage in a variety of subjects that lay the foundation for their educational journey. These include Bible, where they learn about important biblical principles and values. English Language Arts is a core subject that focuses on developing strong reading, writing, and communication skills. Mathematics is taught with an emphasis on problem-solving and critical thinking. Science ignites their curiosity and understanding of the world around them. Heritage Studies explores history, geography, and social studies, fostering cultural awareness and a sense of heritage. Physical Education promotes physical fitness and healthy living, while Health equips students with essential knowledge about well-being. Spanish introduces them to a new language and broadens their cultural horizons. Art encourages creativity and self-expression.

As our students progress into middle school, our curriculum adapts to meet their changing needs. Bible classes deepen their understanding of faith and its application in everyday life. Science delves into various scientific disciplines, inspiring a spirit of inquiry and discovery. Heritage Studies delves deeper into history, geography, and social studies, fostering a broader global perspective. Mathematics challenges students with advanced concepts and problem-solving skills. Modern Languages broaden their language skills and cultural understanding. Literature exposes them to diverse literary works, fostering critical analysis and a love for reading. Grammar & Writing hones their writing skills and effective communication.

By offering a diverse range of subjects, we aim to provide our students with a well-rounded education that nurtures their intellectual growth, fosters their character development, and instills a lifelong love for learning.

High School

In our high school, we offer a robust curriculum that prepares students for academic success and personal growth. The coursework covers a wide range of subjects, including:

  • English Literature: Students engage in the study of American and British Literature, exploring influential works and developing critical analysis skills.
  • Mathematics: Our math program extends up to Pre-calculus, providing students with a strong foundation in mathematical concepts and problem-solving skills.
  • Government and Historical Studies: Students delve into subjects such as American and World History, gaining a comprehensive understanding of past events and their impact on society.
  • Biblical Studies: Our challenging biblical studies courses deepen students’ knowledge and application of biblical principles, fostering spiritual growth and character development.
  • Modern Languages: Students have the opportunity to expand their language skills through the study of modern languages, promoting cultural understanding and global awareness.
  • Health and Physical Education for Life: We prioritize the well-being of our students by providing essential knowledge about health, wellness, and physical fitness.
  • Science Studies: High school students explore various scientific disciplines, including Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, cultivating a curiosity for the natural world and developing scientific inquiry skills.
  • Dual Credit Opportunities: Through partnerships with accredited Christian universities, students can enroll in dual credit coursework, earning college credits while still in high school.
  • Customized Coursework: As students progress through the final years of high school, their coursework is tailored to meet graduation requirements while also allowing them to pursue their individual interests and passions.

Our high school curriculum aims to provide a well-rounded education that prepares students for higher education and equips them with the skills necessary for success in their future endeavors. By offering a diverse range of subjects and opportunities, we empower our students to pursue their academic and personal goals with confidence and excellence.